What is a Red Light Camera Enforcement Program?
This is a traffic safety program in which the City uses a state-of-the-art digital camera and violation detection system for the purpose of decreasing the number of red-light runners and reducing collisions.
Why are they used?
According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety red light running is a leading cause of urban crashes and often causes injury and death. Cities install the system to improve public safety by deterring red light running.
What is a red light violation?
A red light violation occurs when a vehicle crosses a stop line (or legal violation point) and proceeds through the intersection after the traffic light has turned red. It is not a violation if the vehicle has already entered the intersection at the time the signal turned red.
How does it work?
Each intersection is outfitted with a high resolution high speed digital camera. The cameras are activated by sensors which are located at the intersection and are only activated when a vehicle is detected by the sensors after the light has turned red. The cameras take three digital photos which document the violation and are mailed with a citation to the registered owner of the vehicle. The program operates 24 hours a day seven days a week and operates in all weather conditions. The system is only activated when a vehicle runs a red light and all intersections with red light cameras are clearly marked with photo enforcement signs. The Covina Police Department reviews every violation before a citation is issued. Citations contain images of the violation vehicle before it enters the intersection, while it is in the intersection, the license plate, and the front of the vehicle showing the driver.
Are Red Light Cameras effective?
Yes. Red light cameras have been proven to be effective in reducing red light violations and right-angle crashes. Cities using these systems consistently report safer roads with fewer intersections collisions.
If I am already in the intersection when a light turns red, will I get a citation?
No. Citations are only issued when a vehicle enters the intersection AFTER the light has turned red. If you enter the intersection during a green or yellow light you will not be photographed by the camera system.
Who receives the citation?
Citations are mailed to the registered owner of the vehicle.
What is the amount of the fine?
Your bail amount is indicted on the back of the citation Notice to Appear.
What if the registered owner was not driving the vehicle at the time of the citation?
The owner should read and submit a completed Affidavit of Non-Liability found on the back of the Citation at minimum five days before the court date indicated on the Citation. The registered owner must submit the full name, address, and driver�s license information for the person responsible for the violation. Return the completed Affidavit on Non-Liability to the Photo Enforcement Program address provided on the citation. The Police Department will review the information submitted and a citation will be re-issued to the driver identified on the affidavit. If the car is reported as stolen at the time of the violation, the owner must submit a copy of the filed police report with a signed Affidavit of Non-Liability. If the car was sold prior to the time of the violation, you must submit information on the subsequent owner of the motor vehicle with a signed Affidavit of Non-Liability.
Can I receive citations for other offenses as a result of my red light camera citation?
No. Drivers who receive photo red light citations are cited for red light violations only.
Will intersections that have red light cameras be publicized?
Yes, locations are announced and listed in the local newspaper, on the city website, and in the city newsletter. In addition, they are below:
Azusa Ave & Cypress St .
Grand Ave and Badillo St.
Barranca Ave and Rowland St.