Watershed Management and Development

In this chapter the watershed as a hydrogeological drainage feature that typically utilizes land and water assets is discussed. India’s central government and the Maharashtra state government are introducing various water boundary improvement programs, which require a systematic methodology for sustainable watershed development and soil-related resources. Remote sensing (RS) and geographical information (GIS) systems may be used for effective control of the whole field of groundwater properties. Watershed development treatments include essential activities such as rainwater production, soil management, and water management to estimate natural protection measures. Two areas within Akola and Buldhana districts have been studied for this research. For two seasons, SOI toposheets and village maps have been completed. Supplementary information was gathered using GPS and remote sensing, including soil rates, agriculture, population, and socio-economic information. Maps including SOI toposheets and satellite images provided basic contour, drainage, soil, geomorphology, slope, and land-use information. All maps were reviewed for the design and creation of soil and water conservation assets and the sustainable development and management of water resources.

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  1. All India Coordinated Research Project for Dryland Agriculture, Dr. PDKV Akola, Akola, Maharashtra, India Chaitanya Baliram Pande
  1. Chaitanya Baliram Pande
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Pande, C.B. (2020). Watershed Management and Development. In: Sustainable Watershed Development. SpringerBriefs in Water Science and Technology. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-47244-3_2

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